Laravel 8 Tutorial for Beginners

By Super Admin | Apr 19, 2021 | Laravel
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In this article, we are going to learn about Laravel 8 Version, as Laravel 8 tutorial for beginners,

Laravel is a web application framework. 

Laravel follows a Model-View-Controller design pattern. Laravel reuses the existing components of different frameworks which helps in creating a web application.

Composer: Composer is a php dependency manager. where we use this composer to install Laravel

Artisan: Command line interface used in Laravel is called Artisan. It has some commands which gives us to build the web application. 

Lets start the Course Laravel 8 for beginner. (Laravel 8 Crash Course):

1. Installation & Create a Project

2. Setup your .env file (Database, Application Name)

3. Setup your Schema String Length.

4. Authentication (Login & Register)

5. Auto-Prefixed Controller Routing: Target class does not exist. (while calling the Controller in Route (web.php), it throw Target class does not exist).

6. How to make a Model, View & Controller. (Learn with CRUD application).

7. Relationship in Laravel. (Learn with Category & Product application)

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